
West Bloomfield Middle School belongs to the COMSAC-Central Oakland Middle School Athletic Conference

Our sports include: Football, Cross Country, Cheerleading, Basketball, Track and Field, Wrestling, Volleyball and Swimming

All 7th and 8th grade students are invited to try out for our teams, some non-contact sports may include 6th graders like swimming, track and cross country.

A variety of community education athletic experiences are also available to 6th graders

Complete your athletics registration HERE! You will also need to submit a sports physical, which you can find HERE

West Bloomfield Middle School logo


Middle School Athletic Guidelines

Any athlete participating in a middle school sport must adhere to the following policies:

  • Academic Eligibility Requirements

    • *Students will not be eligible if they are failing two courses

    • *Students will not be eligible if they have a combination of 4 Ds and Fs out of 6 classes.

  • Any out of school suspension may result in dismissal from the team unless special consideration is given by the building principal.

  • Any other disciplinary issues (lunch or after school detentions, in school suspension) will be reviewed and assessed based on severity, frequency and recurrences.  Consequences may vary from missed practice/games to suspension from the team.

  • We must have a physical on file and a permission to treat form.

  • The athlete on-line registration form needs to be completed online at the WBHS athletics website

Please review and discuss these criteria with your child.  Sign and return the bottom portion to the coach prior to the start of the season.  Thank you for your support!

Jermaine Evans                                                                   Eric Pierce

Assistant Principal                                                             Athletic Director for West Bloomfield Schools


My child and I have read and agree to the above information in regards to participating in this particular after school activity.  We understand that if any of the above guidelines are violated, the administration will take actions as explained.  


_________________________________                             __________________________________

Student signature and date                                                  Parent signature and date