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WBHS Attendance Line - (248) 865-6722


Prompt 1


Prompt 2

Early Dismissal

Prompt 3



We believe in the value of every student in every class, every day.  Regular attendance is necessary if students are to receive full benefit from their educational experiences.  The benefits of class discussion, individual student participation, teacher interactions, and other classroom activities cannot be made up by those who are absent.  School attendance is the joint responsibility of the students, parents, and school.


Excused absences are absences excused by a parent/guardian within one full school day following the absence. Failure to contact the school by calling the attendance line will result in an UNEXCUSED absence.

  1. To excuse an absence, a parent/guardian must call the attendance line (248-865-6722, prompt 1)
  2. Exempt absences are absences due to suspension or school sanctioned activities.  These absences do not count toward a student’s total number of absences in a class.
    1. Exempt absences include but are not limited to Field Trips, Assemblies, College Visits, etc.
  3. An unexcused absence (one that has not been excused by a parent, doctor, or school) may result in the following actions:
    1. The student may receive an attendance discipline referral and conference with an administrator.
    2. The student may be subjected to disciplinary action which could include but not be limited to lunch detention, after school detention, or in-school suspension (ISS).
    3. ANY unexcused absence may result in discipline under the Student Code of Conduct or a referral to Youth Assistance or Oakland County Truancy.  Students must attend school until they are eighteen (18) years of age or have received their high school diploma. (MCL §380.1561).

NOTE: Truancy is against the law and may result in referral to the court system

PowerSchool Attendance Codes

A = Unexcused Absence

E = Excused Absence

T = Unexcused Tardy

TEX = Excused Tardy

FT = Field Trip

OP = Out Pass

TST = Testing

CV = College Visit

FA = First Day of Attendance

X = Exempt

AC = Administrative Conference

OS = Out of School Suspension

IS = In-School Suspension

R3 = R3 Room

LB = Late Bus

HBD = Homebound



Students who are not in class when the bell rings are considered tardy.  Students arriving late must check in at the Attendance Office to obtain a pass to class.  Late students arriving to class without a pass will be referred back to the Attendance Office.  ALL students who come to school late MUST check in at the Attendance Office.

  1. Please call the attendance line, 248-865-6722, prompt 2, for a tardy to be excused.
  2. Students arriving late must check in at the Attendance Office to obtain a pass to class.
  3. If a student is late to class without a pass, they will be sent to the Attendance Office.
  4. The 3rd unexcused tardy will result in a discipline referral.
  5. Only three (3) tardies can be excused per marking period.  Any additional tardies will be marked as unexcused.
  6. The 3rd tardy, during the 1st period of any day, may result in the loss of the student’s parking pass.
  7. Students that are more than 20 minutes late to class will be marked absent.


Students are not permitted to leave school for any reason without a pass from the Attendance Office.  To minimize classroom disruption, we respectfully request that all outpasses be called in the previous day or prior to 8:00 AM.

  1. An outpass requires a parent/guardian to contact the Attendance Office, 248-865-6722, prompt 3prior to the student’s exit from the building.  Students leaving the school without prior authorization from the Attendance Office and an outpass will be recorded as unexcused from classes missed and may result in violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
  2. WBHS is a closed campus during lunch hours. Absences during lunch may require further documentation.
  3. The student should pick up the outpass:
    1. Between classes
    2. During lunch
    3. Upon leaving school


  1. After eight (8) full day (or equivalent) absences, a letter will be sent home notifying parents of the excessive absences.
  2. After twelve (12) full day (or equivalent) absences, a letter will be sent home notifying parents, requesting a meeting with a school administrator.
  3. After sixteen (16) full day absences (or equivalent), or failure to attend the requested attendance meeting, a referral to Youth Assistance will be made.
  4. After twenty (20) full day (or equivalent) absences, a referral to Oakland County Truancy will be made.


  1. Students will only be called out of class for emergency purposes in order to limit disruption of classroom instruction.
  2. Following Board policy, there are to be no interruptions of classes except for medical emergencies.
  3. Other urgent messages will be given to students during class breaks.


Excused Absences

It is the responsibility of the student to make up any required work and tests that have been missed during any excused absence from a regularly scheduled class.  The student has one (1) day for each day absent to make up work.

The student returning from an excused or exempt absence may be required to take a test immediately upon his return if the teaching was done, the test date scheduled, and the student was made aware of the test prior to the absence.  This also applies to assignments due during a student’s absence.

In arranging make-up work, the teacher has the choice of:  (a) requiring the student to make-up the work, including tests, during the scheduled make-up period and counting the grades when establishing averages or (b) exempting the work completely.  In the case of an exemption, the student would not be penalized and the grade would be based on what the student has completed.  Special considerations will be made for absences due to a death in the immediate family.

Unexcused Absences

In case of an unexcused absence, make-up privileges are denied and missed tests and quizzes are given a grade of F.  Please note that absences cannot be excused after one school day.

Absence Resulting from Suspension

Students in In-School Suspension for a class period will have no additional time to complete work as they are expected to do the work in the ISS room.

Students suspended from school will have the opportunity to make up any work and/or tests missed.  For suspensions over three (3) days, in which a make-up packet was provided by the teacher to the Attendance Office, the work will be due the day the suspended student returns to school. Please note that many assignments and lessons will be available on teacher websites through Google Classroom.  A homework request can be made by calling the Attendance Office for any additional work.   For suspensions three (3) days or less, the student will receive the make-up work when he/she returns.  Students will have one (1) day for each day suspended to make-up the work.

If a student refuses or fails to serve In-School Suspension, the student will serve an out of school suspension.  Discipline will be administered progressively according to the Student Family Handbook.  Make-up work will be due the day the suspended student returns to school.