Drop Off/ Pick-up
The parking lot can be pretty overwhelming at arrival and during dismissal. Please be patient, plan for traffic delays, and follow the expected flow. Students and parents must use the main lot for parking, pickup, and drop off. The drive in front of the building and along the south side of the building is reserved for bus traffic. The north lot near the athletic fields is reserved for staff parking. Students are not allowed to be picked up or dropped of in these areas. There is a traffic flow pattern in the main lot from the main entrance, through the lot, and up to the center walkway. Please follow this pattern to maximize timing, efficiency, and safety.
- ALL STUDENTS NEED TO BE PICKED UP FROM A PARKED CAR. Do not wait in an aisle for your student to come to you. This rule applies even if you enter the parking lot after school has ended.
- DO NOT FORM TWO TRAFFIC LINES IN AN AISLE. Wait for traffic to clear and then get in line behind the next vehicle. We will be blocking half of each aisle off to prevent two lines from forming.
- Do not rush to exit the parking lot. Expect to spend 30-45 minutes to enter, pickup, and exit the parking lot.
After school, students have from 2:23 until 2:45 to take care of any needs they may have. A warning bell sounds at 2:40, followed by a final bell and verbal reminder at 2:45. At 2:45 students must be at their athletic practice or designated area, at their club or activity, or need to leave campus. If a student is still waiting for a ride at 2:45, they can wait outside, or in the cafeteria, where we have supervision available. Any student found roaming the halls or in any unauthorized area will receive after school detention.
WBHS is a closed campus for lunch. Students may not leave campus for lunch and return. This presents safety and learning issues when students leave campus. Students found to be getting out passes or leaving without permission will be considered skipping in an unauthorized area.