Capturing Kids Hearts
Capturing Kids’ Hearts is a process we live by to build and strengthen relationships with students. This process gives us a consistent framework throughout the school where all teachers and students feel a connection with one another to become a part of our school family.
Our day begins with greeting each student at the door with a handshake and a positive message.
This gives a moment where teachers engage with each student as he/she enters the classroom. In addition, an essential part to Capturing Kids’ Hearts is Good Things. Every classroom designates a time in their day to celebrate the good things in our lives.
We have the opportunity to explore our students needs, convey empathy, and ask questions. Students may simply share a good thing or do an activity to make connections to help build our classroom communities. Communication plays a key role in everything we do throughout our day. It shows that we care for one another and we work towards addressing the needs of our students both academically and emotionally.
We empower our students and build trust by giving them the responsibility to make decisions and become good problem solvers. Every classroom has created a social contract which is an agreement of behavior. The social contract is written by the students and then signed to show their commitment. In addition, teachers and students use nonverbal signals to work together to hold one another accountable for how we treat each other.
Teachers end and send their students off with a launch. After a lesson or at the end of the day, teachers are giving their students ideas to think about from that day's lesson or leaving them with an inspiring message.
Capturing Kids’ Hearts has made a huge impact in our school community. The students know the expectations throughout the school and there is a consistent message being conveyed by all adults and children. We have gained the necessary tools to build and maintain relationships.
Good classroom management is truly about having positive relationships with all students.