Sex Education
Michigan State Law Requirements for Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Education
In June of 2004, the Michigan State Legislators passed Public Acts 165 and 166 which
modified Michigan laws related to sex education in public schools. Public Acts 165 and
166 outline the planning, training, and implementation mandates for HIV/AIDS and sex
education (PA 165 of 2004) and a parent compliant process (PA 166 of 2004). These
acts stipulate the make-up of each district’s Sex Education Advisory Board as well as
their roles and responsibilities. The main role of the Sex Education Advisory Board is to:
- Define Sexual Health Education in accordance with Michigan Law
- Establish program goals and objectives for pupil knowledge and skills that are likely to reduce the rates of sex, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases
- Select and recommend curricula, materials, and instructional delivery methods to the Board of Education for approval
- Provide parents and community members with access to curricula and materials for review
- At least once every 2 years, evaluate, measure, and report the attainment of program goals and objectives established under subdivision (a). The board of a school district shall make the resulting report available to parents in the school district. §380.1507
- Public Acts 165 and 166 also stipulate that school districts are required to teach about dangerous communicable diseases, including but not limited to, HIV/AIDS. §380.1169
- HIV/AIDS education must be offered at least once a year at every building level (elementary, middle/junior, senior high) and each person who teaches K-12 pupils about HIV/AIDS shall have training in HIV and AIDS education for young people. §380.11691
SEAB Board Meeting Agendas
April 12, 2023
December 15, 2021
November 28, 2022
SEAB Parent Communication
January 10, 2022
February 28, 2022