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Safety & Wellbeing

wheel graphic showing social emotional competencies

West Bloomfield School District is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for our students and staff. We want all staff and children to feel like they are loved, they belong, and they are prepared to learn. This ties directly into our Portrait of a Graduate initiative that teaches students the personal skills that will allow them to be successful in life’s various endeavors – best summarized as the 4Cs, which are Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration and Contribution.

This Safety and Well-being page was developed to highlight some critical resources and documents for families, as well as to give you contact information for WBSD staff, and local, state and national resources. We want to provide staff and families shared resources, activities and tools to utilize in the classroom and in their home. This is perhaps best illustrated in the CASEL graphic left which shows how communities, families, schools and classrooms can wrap support around students.

Ways in which we practice social-emotional learning in the school setting include:

  • Building classroom community through daily routines and check-in
  • Meetings centered in staff wellness
  • Suicide Prevention and Awareness professional development for secondary staff
  • Lessons directly tied to the CASEL competencies (see graphic) and aimed at strengthening executive function skills for our students
  • Advisory classes for our secondary students to ensure students have a connection with an adult at school that is non grade bearing
  • Whole school activities like Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS), Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), Restorative Practices and Capturing Kids Hearts



Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-7233



Parent Resources


Community Resources

West Bloomfield School District Contacts


We are so thankful to the West Bloomfield Coalition for sponsoring our yoga program this year! Students are learning how to regulate their body and emotions in a super fun way!

We are so thankful to the West Bloomfield Coalition for sponsoring our yoga program this year! Students are learning how to regulate their body and emotions in a super fun way!