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Chromebook Accident and Loss Protection

The District will be implementing a NEW Chromebook Repair Policy for the 2022-23 school year. This new policy will replace the insurance program instituted for broken or lost devices during previous school years.  

This policy will allow for two repairs free of charge for the entire time your student is enrolled at West Bloomfield School District. Once a student has made use of their two free repairs, they will need to pay a flat rate of $50 per repair after that.

If the device is ever deemed unrepairable or device is lost or misplaced, the student is required to pay a $250 device replacement fee. This determination will not count towards the two free repairs.

It is in your best interests to report all issues as soon as they happen. The need for repair of multiple issues increases the chances of a device being deemed unrepairable, leaving the family responsible for paying the $250 replacement fee.

Below you will find the device repair steps:

  • First Repair (If Repairable) - Free
  • Second Repair (If Repairable) - Free
  • Third Repair and Beyond (If Repairable) - $50 Each
  • Device is Beyond Repair (Total Replacement) - $250
  • Device is Lost - $250

Contact the Oakland Schools Technology Service Desk with the information below:


Student at a computer given a thumbs up gesture