Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
The Oakland Schools Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) represents each local education agency or public school academy (LEA/PSA) within Oakland County. Parent representatives have a child/children with a disability(ies) and are appointed by the LEA's/PSA's and Oakland County School Boards. The committee participates in the development and review of the Oakland Schools County Plan for Delivery of Special Education Programs and Services. The PAC also provides advisory input on matters regarding improvement of Special Education services within the intermediate school district (ISD).
The West Bloomfield School District is currently in search of parents interested in participating in our Parent Advisory Committee. Interested parties should contact the Director for Student Support services, Dr. Jessica Cohen, at (248) 865-6470 or email at
Mission Statement:
To ensure a full continuum of services and options to all special education students that maintains excellence and equity and that is ever respectful in providing for the unique needs of each child.
What We Do
We hold meetings during the school year. As PAC members we:
- Attend and participate at scheduled meetings. Share information and ideas with our members and others.
- Cooperate in the development and review of the Oakland County Special Education Plan.
- Provide families opportunities to be informed of special education processes.
- Mentor new PAC members.
- Encourage effective partnerships between families and schools.
- Disseminate information about our group and current issues in special education
Parent Advisory Committee Representative for West Bloomfield:
Mrs. Jodie Ostrowski
Message from Jodie:
Hello WBSD families!
I would like to take a quick moment to introduce myself properly. First and foremost I’m a mother of two elementary aged WBSD students. My daughter receives special education services and has done so since she was 2 years old when she entered Early On. I’ve had a lot of experience with the chaos of the acronyms, processes and challenges that come along with supporting my student who needs special services. It’s been a long road to get where we are now but something that has helped immensely is having a support system, information, and the passion to do as much as I can to ensure my daughter has as much support as possible to reach her full potential.
Recently I was appointed to be the Oakland Schools Parent Advisory Committee representative for our school district. This opportunity will allow for me to learn about Special Education topics, receive training and share information back to the parents in the WBSD as well as provide parent-to-parent support. The idea of building that support system and sharing information with other parents in the district is the next step. In collaboration with another passionate WBSD Parent, we’d like to extend an invitation to you to share your thoughts and input on what potential there is for a parent group that connects and supports those of us who have an IEP supported student.
If you have a few moments could you take this quick confidential survey to let us know how this idea may be helpful for you and your family?
Warmest Regards,
Jodie Ostrowski