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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

West Bloomfield School District Equity Statement

The West Bloomfield School District is committed to:

Anchored in Equity
  • Creating equitable environments for all students that ensure access and opportunities to culturally responsive and anti-racist curriculum 
  • Eliminating policies that create systemic barriers to success
  • Taking action in the development of anti-racist, culturally relevant curriculum that honors, uplifts, and promotes the uniqueness of our district and the greater West Bloomfield community. 
  • Overcoming barriers to learning that we have identified through educational research, to ensure equal and equitable access to opportunities, resources, and services for all students and families.

The West Bloomfield School District will operate in a manner that honors and celebrates the differences of its students and their families.

BOE Anti-Racism Resolution

During the Board of Education's June 22, 2020 meeting, the following resolution was based pertaining to anti-racism in the West Bloomfield School District:

BOE Anti-Racism Resolution

Department Contacts


Global Equity Team

G.E.T. exists to build a community that supports a restorative culture through relationships and educational equity for all. The three main focus points of the Global Equity Team are student outreach, culture and climate, and training and development.

Who will we be as a team?

We are students, caregivers, staff; and anyone who is part of the West Bloomfield community! Are you passionate about diversity, equity, inclusion, and social-emotional health and well-being? If so, please join us. Meetings will be held monthly along with opportunity for participation in subcommittees and special programs/projects.

What kind of work might G.E.T. be involved in?

  • Shared articles, learning, and discussion around various topics relevant to our school and district
  • Examining school materials with an equity lens
  • Development of language protocols on school documents
  • Reviewing and updating school policies and practices through an equity lens
  • Sharing classroom practices that lift up equity work
  • Discussion of concerns that arise around equity within a building
  • Elevating student, parent and community voices

If you are interested in being a member of the Global Equity Team click here. Our inaugural meeting will take place at West Bloomfield High School in the Media Center on October 18, at 6 p.m. We encourage your participation and engagement in this transformative initiative.






equity illustrated

EQUITY is providing the access, opportunities and supports needed to help students, families and staff reach their full potential by removing barriers to success that individuals face. It does not mean equal or giving everyone the same thing.

Inclusion illustrated

INCLUSION is making sure all individuals are engaged participants in the learning environment and community. All students, families and staff members feel valued, respected, appreciated and involved. Individuals see their unique identities reflected in all facets of education including staffing, curriculum, instruction and activities.

diversity illustrated

DIVERSITY is recognizing, accepting and respecting individuals come from many different life experiences with various frames of reference and perspectives. While diversity values unique perspectives and individual differences, it also values commonalities we all share. Diversity includes, but is not limited to, race/ethnicity, gender, gender identity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, language, culture, religion/ beliefs, mental and physical ability, age and national origin.