English Language Development Program
The West Bloomfield School District seeks to provide every child, regardless of national origin or native language, quality and meaningful educational instruction. Students who are English Learners (ELs) are provided instructional services through the Title III English Language Development (ELD) Program, which is designed to meet their unique needs.
There are over 60 languages represented in the West Bloomfield School District with the ELD program serving approximately 400 students and their families. Our most common languages spoken among the EL families are Arabic, Chaldean, Japanese, and Spanish.
Please contact Hadeel Azzo at hadeel.azzo@wbsd.org for any questions regarding the K-12 ELD program that you might have.
Adult ESL Class Information:
For questions regarding adult ESL classes visit the Adult ESL webpage and please contact Dawn Hanford by phone (248) 539-2390 or email at dawn.hanford@wbsd.org