The West Bloomfield Curriculum is designed around the rigorous Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics as well as the State Grade Level and High School Content Expectations for all other content areas. With this standards based approach, teachers and students can take time to engage in formative assessment, use feedback to improve instruction and learning, and work at a pace that allows for balance in our lives.
Our goal is to ensure that all students benefit from a guaranteed and viable curriculum. This means that every student has access to a rigorous content and skills that challenge her or him to reach mastery. It also means that we are practical in our design of curriculum and instruction; we believe it is more important for students to master fewer, higher-level skills, rather than“rush to cover” a long list of topics. Our goal is to prepare students for success in a rapidly-changing world that demands the following 21st century skills:
- Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
- Collaboration and Leadership
- Agility and Adaptability
- Initiative and Entrepreneurialism
- Effective Oral and Written Communication
- Accessing and Analyzing Information
- Curiosity and Imagination
We strive to deliver engaging instruction every day so that our students look forward to coming to school and learning with their peers. We aim to create opportunities for our students to drive their own learning in a way that honors their individual talents and passions.
Finally, we use multiple types of assessments, both formative and summative, to measure our students’ progress toward mastery of essential content and skills. In addition to state standardized assessments, we use local assessments, curriculum-based measures, and authentic performance tasks to determine our students’ level of achievement and growth. We are committed to ensuring that every student grows towards reaching his or her full academic potential.
Our curricular success is based upon the contribution of our staff “in every classroom who cares that every student, every day learns and grows and feels like a real human being.” (Donald Clifton).