Operating Millage Renewal 2024
What does the Operating Millage Support?
School safety
Social Workers
Bus drivers
Mental health programs
Educational programs
2024 Operating Millage Renewal Facts
- What is this renewal seeking?
- Is this a tax increase?
- New: What's the difference between a bond and an operating millage?
- What is a non-homestead millage?
- Who Pays the 18 Mills on the “Non-Homestead” property tax?
- What is a hold harmless millage?
- Will my tax rate increase if this proposal is passed?
- How much of the School District’s budget does this represent?
- What happens if this does not pass?
- Why is the State involved in my school taxes?
- Why is this on the ballot now?
- What is the actual ballot language?
- Where can I read the State School Aid Act?
- How do I register to vote?
- Who pays for the distribution of factual material related to this proposal?
- Where can I view the Operating Millage factual mailer sent to WBSD homes?
- New: Is there a Fact Sheet I can print?
What is this renewal seeking?
Is this a tax increase?
New: What's the difference between a bond and an operating millage?
What is a non-homestead millage?
Who Pays the 18 Mills on the “Non-Homestead” property tax?
What is a hold harmless millage?
Will my tax rate increase if this proposal is passed?
How much of the School District’s budget does this represent?
What happens if this does not pass?
Why is the State involved in my school taxes?
Why is this on the ballot now?
What is the actual ballot language?
Where can I read the State School Aid Act?
How do I register to vote?
Who pays for the distribution of factual material related to this proposal?
Where can I view the Operating Millage factual mailer sent to WBSD homes?
New: Is there a Fact Sheet I can print?
For more information, please contact James Stottlemyer, Assistant Superintendent - james.stottlemyer@wbsd.org - (248) 865-6434 OR Rebecca Fannon at rebecca.fannon@wbsd.org or (248) 865-6454.